“Stunning Street Art Portraits Made Of Packing Tape By Max Zorn”
“Ten reasons why art lovers should visit Hong Kong right now”
1. “The enigmatic Max Zorn and his translucent ecstasy” (Article)
2. “Max Zorn beautifying our world with tape” (Article)
“Astounding Packing Tape Portraits” (Article)
“Incredible packing tape art by Max Zorn” (Video)
1. “Tape art lighting up Amsterdam” (Article)
2. “How Max Zorn creates his tape art works” (Article)
“Using only tape: Street artist creates portraits” (Blog)
“Max Zorn – Repackaging windows 0n the noir” (Issue 9 – Chasing Dragons, p. 280)
“Max Zorn shows off his stunning street art “ (Issue 1 – Streets, p. 40)
“La nouvelle edition” (TV, 7.03.2012, part 5: Télé réalité, minute 7:42)
“Street art sur lampadaides” (Blog)
“Max Zorn – L´art du ruban adhésif” (Article)
“Max Zorn: Une Technique Scotchante” (Article)
“Max Zorn, le street artiste qui scotche!” (Article)
“des oeuvres faites au scotch de Max Zorn” (Article)
“Cómo crear una obra de arte con cinta adhesiva y una cuchilla” (TV)
“El “corta y pega” también puede ser un arte” (Article)
“El arte de la cinta adhesiva” (Article)
“Escape: El arte de papel de Max Zorn” (TV)
“Todo pegado: Arte por Max Zorn” (Article)
“Max Zorn hace arte con cinta adhesiva enlas” (Video)
“L’arte di disegnare con il nastro adesivo” (Video)
“L´artista dello scotch” (Article)
“Splendide opere d’arte fatte con umile nastro da imballaggi marrone traslucido” (Article)
1. “Intieme momenten in plakband” (Only printed newspaper: 10.08.2012, p. 18 f.)
2. “Stemmige ´tape-art´ van Amsterdamse straatartiest” (Only printed ewspaper: 31.01.2012, p. 20 f.)
“Amsterdam street artist Max Zorn creates stunning art portraits made of packing tape”
“Knappe streetart in het centrum” (TV)
“Volledig ingetaped: Kunst door Max Zorn” (Article)
“Interview with artist Max Zorn” (Interview)
“Tape Art des Niederländers Max Zorn” (TV)
“Interview mit Max Zorn” (Article)
“Tape Art auf dem nächsten Level” (Article)
“Alles gut verklebt” (Article)
“Let´s stick together: Tape Art von Max Zorn” (Article)
“Gemälde ohne Pinsel und ohne Farbe! Tape Art von Max Zorn” (Article)
“Die Tape Art des Niederländers Max Zorn” (TV post)